Saturday, January 4, 2014

Goodbye 2013!

We had a big year packed with change.

Homes: 3
We sold our house in Eagle Mountain, lived in my parents basement in WJ, then moved into our new House in Lehi.

Jobs: 6
Adam left AO in the spring to work for CF which was a fantastic switch. He got to work from home which we all really loved.  About a month ago he was offered a really great opportunity at a different company.  It was a really tough decision but he decided to accept the new job.  Not working from home and now having to commute is the biggest con of the new job.  The new job is a much better opportunity for future promotions and is in a field he is more interested in, the benefits are better, and the pay raise was quite good. Adam will make more alone in 2014 then we did combined in 2013 and thus, I am working my current job of mom and wife extraordinaire.  It's my favorite job ever. I worked as a seamstress for two different companies earlier in the year.  That makes six.

Cars: 4
Dobby, my Corolla is still on the team.
Work car 1, Dennis, left when AK left.
Work car 2, Xena, left when AK left.
New car, Snowslake (not a typo), is a natural gas honda civic purchases for Adam's new commute.

We are a little older, a little more tired (not Av), and still so happy together.  May 2014 bring a little less change and a lot more happiness and magic.

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