Saturday, August 9, 2008

China's about to get a little bit cooler...

...because Adam will be there in 5 hours. Thanks to China for hosting he Olympics and luring my fella to their land. We saw Adam off this morning. His flight left at 6:30 am so we (me, Adam, Adam's mom, Adam's brother Taylor) left for the airport at 4 am-ish. Rather early. Adam had a layover in San Francisco and is currently en route to China. I hope he isn't sitting by a smelly. Adam will be gone for ten days and has tickets to see various events and will also do some sight seeing. He took the nice camera so hopefully we'll get some excellent pictures. There is much more to be said but it will all wait for Adam to return.

(pictures from Google images)


Anonymous said...

um, I am exceedingly amused by this post title.

Cassidy Meine said...

Jen please give me your e-mail address as soon as you can. Hopefully you can sense the urgency in this message.