Friday, February 4, 2011

Kelli. Kelltick. Kelli Genius.

Kelli and I grew up together. She is my cousin. My best cousin friend. We played barbies, dug snow caves, played in the river, and played in the teepees. She is hilarious and sarcastic. And (obviously) super pretty. She really is one of my all time favorite people in the whole world. Her dad died of cancer when I was 8. I think she was 5. He was an awesome guy and I am running the relay in his memory. Kelli is in AZ this semester so I've sure missed her at family stuff. Hopefully she comes home soon! Thanks for donating, Kelli! You are great.


*Aliese* said...

Oh, I do love her! Such good times being all sorts of crazy together...sharing a bed (all three of us, no less)...going to New camping vacations...Such good times!

Amy and Mike said...

What a great way to honor his memory. That race is HARD! You are amazing! Good Luck and have fun.