Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Avynlee:  Yucky!  This drink is too spicey a me.  (It was lemonade)
Adam:  Would you rather have milk?
Avynlee:  No.
Adam:  Would you rather have water?
Avynlee: No.
Adam:  Would you rather have whiskey?
Avynlee;  No!  Avs not drink a whiskey!  Would Avey drink a...rocket ship?  No!

Avynlee farted in the tub.  "Hey!  My bummy blows bubbles at me!"

My sister Aliese was wearing yoga pants with a colorful, patterned waist band. Avynlee caught a glimpse and kept rubbing and patting the colored band saying, "Aliese has a pull up too! Check it out guys!"

Nut cracker figurines are "donut trackers".

"The kings bring Jesus presents.  Just like Santa!"

"I was scared of Santa so I just ate cookies instead.  That Santa is scary."

Avynlee:  Daddy, Daddy!  Come help me!  Please!
Adam:  Okay, hand me that piece.
Avynlee:  No!  I do it!

Avynlee:  It's locked, Daddy.  I need a tey (key).
Adam:  You need a tea?
Avynlee:  No!  A tey!

When she has an eyelash on her cheek, we take it off, hold it up, and tell her to make a wish.  The other day we were in the car and heard her saying, "make a wish...I blow my booger out!"

After washing her hands, "I'm just drying my paws, Momma."

In one of her books, there's a illustration of a guy taking a picture of a dog and the dog is saying 'cheese'.  While reading it to her, we asked, "...and what does the dog say?"  "....Dimme dat tamera duy!" (gimme that camera, guy)

While cracking nuts with AK, "Where's the eatin' part?"


grandmamarie said...

Heeheehee! What a perfectly funny thing to read early in the morning. I love it. Annie's little gal Autumn used to say crazy things like this. So cute!

*Aliese* said...

Cutie-Cutie. Love that little stinker. Love my Pull-Ups.